
Thursday, February 26, 2009

Israeli Apartheid Week 2009

Last Tuesday I had the opportunity to attend Norman Finkelstein's lecture at KUL (Catholic University of Leuven). Although the announced subject was related to what can be learned from Gandhi to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, he actually spoke about the recent massacre of Gaza. He has obviously his own view, probably gave his own spin to all facts. Nevertheless, he spoke about facts.

Long time ago, I was a blind supporter of the State of Israel and its actions against Palestinians. I believed naively, as I was taught, that Israel's State was the fulfillment of Old Testament promises, that God had a 'special deal' with Israel, and that nobody should even question Israel's actions, because nobody should 'speak against the elected people of God'. Furthermore, I was taught that Palestinians were cursed by God.

I believed lies. And I am so sorry for that...

Anyway, my small contribution today: one voice for the peace between Israel and Palestina. I still believe that JUSTICE precedes PEACE. And I still believe that the actual hope for both Israel and Palestine is the Messiah, Jesus, the Eternal King. He comes bringing restorative justice!

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